Rebekah Keat - Professional Triathlete
- Australian Ironman Champrion 2009
- Hawaiin Ironman World Capionships 6th 2007
- Australian Half Ironman series winner 07/08
- Port Macquarie Ironman 2007 - 1st Place
- Buffalo Springs 70.3 Triathlon 2007 - 3rd Place
- Eagleman Ironman 2007 - 5th Place
- Capricorn Half Ironman 2007 - 1st Place
Rebekah's Road to Victory
"In 2005 I had both my legs run over by a car during a training ride. I received a patella fracture and severe compartment syndrome (damage to the muscle sheath) of both quadriceps as both my thighs were run over by a car.
I was told by my physio that it was unlikely that I would be able to do Ironman again, and that it would take about 12 months to get back to at least half of the training load I was doing before the accident, due to the extent of damage to my quads.
Along with rehabilitation I brought Freedom for Joints from Megaburn as I had been told that Glucosamine could aid the healing process of my injuries.

I have no doubt that along with the fact that I was so fit, Megaburn's Freedom for Joints helped accelerate the healing process dramatically.
I am also a personal trainer and found that I was constantly picking up colds from all the members that I was exposed to at the gym. I found that after using Body Boost daily, I have not had a cold for over 6 months!"
Rebekah Keat
Professional Triathlete